Quick contact:

e-mail address:

     Phone.: +48 - 22-633 06 73
            +48 - 603 644 263
Fax:      +48 - 22-254 75 56

Chemical Safety Agency (Agencja Bezpieczenstwa Chemicznego) is a Polish Company serving as a source of information on chemical legislation in Poland with the aim of helping chemical suppliers with compliance in the Polish market. We are a team of experts with many years of experience with the chemical substances. We hope to be able to serve as your partner in the complicated world of chemical safety requirements.


Chemical Safety Agency offers:
  • Translation and validation of material safety data sheets of chemicals placed on the Polish market based on the original producer's MSDS (other documents and data), according to Polish regulations.
  • Classification and design of labels for unit packaging of dangerous chemical substances or preparations in compliance with Polish legal requirements.
  • Notification to the Inspector for Chemical Substances and Preparations for placing dangerous chemical preparations on the Polish market.
  • Help to all producers, importers or distributors facing new systems: REACH and GHS.
  • Risk Analysis for chemicals risk in the workplace according to the Code of Labour.
  • Process safety assessment according to the Polish implementation of the "Seveso II" Directive.

We recommend that you contact the Bureau for Chemical Substances and Preparations, the body responsible for the main aspects concerning chemical substances and preparations placed on the market of the Republic of Poland: http://www.chemikalia.mz.gov.pl


Chemical Safety Agency works closely with Chemical Exchange Directory, a Swiss Company helping chemical suppliers comply with safety and environmental regulations in the international market: http://www.ced.ch


Chemical Safety Agency invites you to contact us via:
Agencja Bezpieczenstwa Chemicznego
Kochanowskiego 12/25
01-864 Warsaw
e-mail: office@abch.com.pl
Phone: +48-22-6330673, +48-603644263 (mobile)
Phone/Fax: +48-22-2547556

All your questions will be answered as soon as possible.